Pony Music!

By pony fans, for pony fans.
Out of all the music I've engrossed myself with over the years, the most special to me is the stuff that's been inspired by that wonderful horsey cartoon. So what's so cool about this music? It's obviously nowhere near the level of production and talent of my other favourites such as Genesis and Opeth. What's there in their place however is copious amounts of soul and passion. The spirit of pony is so elegantly weaved into these songs that they manage to ooze the same charm that the show is made of, and sometimes even more. If it all sounds like nonsense, eh. Maybe you'll get it if you take a moment to listen.
I'll put these songs as links to Youtube since they're often accompanied by amazing artwork. Also, it's easier to add them to your playlists and follow the artists that way.
Foreword - I got extremely emotional listening to some of this music again, and was on the verge of tearing up while writing this. I love you pony fans, you're everything that's right in this world.
Calmer Stuff
This is my favourite category of MLP music, and it's the stuff that's really able to settle me into the atmosphere of My Little Pony. A lot of these tracks I can't listen to without getting seriously emotional, it's hard to put to words how much they mean to me. I listen to them rarely for that reason, but when I do it's always a special experience. These are of course also the prime songs to tune into while reading fanfics.

Alexander Engström
Of Winter Coolness, Fall Weather Friends
Lovely atmosphere. As I close my eyes, I'm right there. The snowy plains in a Ponyville Winter, the Autumn Forests just before the Running takes place. This guy's songs are nice and long too, a definite plus for atmospheric music.
Callenby's gotta be one of my favourites. I can't allow myself to ruin their music with my meager prose, so just listen and be transported to Equestria. Make sure to check out this playlist on Bilibili of all places, it seems to have most of their music.
David Larsen
Here's some more tunes that perfectly interpret the magical fantasy atmosphere of MLP. Especially with Aeons, the ambience is just.. Ah, it's too good! I'm right back in snow-covered Canterlot again..
Army Gaben
And now we've landed in Cloudsdale. It doesn't seem to be a Cloudsdale specific song actually, but that's what this song sounds like. Peaceful yet energetic, full of life!
Sadly I could never get into Reverbrony's music, except for this song. And gosh darn if isn't one of my favourites ever. The perfect Hearth's Warming tune and it comes with some of the coziest cutest fanart there is.
Kreühn Pony
This dude makes some awesome tunes, with My Wonder being, again, one of my favourite songs in the fandom. I simply *adore* the instrumentals here, Rainbow and Fluttershy are my two favourites, and the video is stellar too.
More awesome tunes, this time it's managed to make me feel like I'm on a train, on my way to Canterlot perhaps.

Le Soldat Pony
One of two MLP songs to have made me cry. And I don't even know what it's about...
Night Breeze
What a delightfully breezy song, perfect for Fluttershy!
Dash's Empty Sky, Derpy's Journey
Can't miss derpidety here, can we? Pretty much all of their music has a strong sentimental quality to it.
Eccentrifuge and Resonant Waves
The ambience I get from this one is that I'm on a nightwalk in Ponyville. A very nostalgic song, it's hard to listen to from how emotional it makes me.
A playful enough little song, but full of deeper feelings. It really gets the spirit of the crusaders down, which isn't easy to do.
Carbon Maestro
What a cool ambience, especially from Arrival! A must for pony TTRPG music.
Winter Solstice
My favourite remix of Winter Wrap up. Something about it just sounds so grand, it's always building up. Like I'm a pegasus and I'm flying, always higher and higher.
More snowy Ponyville tunes. No surprise as to why I love it!
Donn DeVore
Twilight's Sparkle, Flight Dream
Donn's tracks are all very charming and bring back some great early season memories. He's got a vocal talent too!
Hirosashii and Dreamcloud, Legends of Equestria Soundtrack
Sanctuary, The Moon in My Eyes, Serenity, Eternity
I *adore* this game. It's the closest we can get to visiting Equestria, and the music, oh my. It just gets that pony mood down so incredibly well! It's one of those times where I'm absolutely baffled that so few people pay attention to the soundtrack. The game would honestly be nothing without it, at least to me.
Louder Stuff
Here's some rockin' tunes that'll get the pony mood going *and* keep you awake. These rarely get the same kind of emotional rise out of me as the previous songs, but they can be a lot more lively and fun.

Age of Vinyl and Hay Tea
Great drum'n'bass, I remember using their music in my Powerpuff Girls game as a placeholder (I'll document it on this site eventually). It fit in perfectly with the fast paced nature.
Peak Freak
I often have a problem with the singing voices in MLP music for some reason, and because of this guy's German accent you'd think I'd be extra hard on it. But for some reason I really enjoy the vocals in these songs, they're sung with a lot of passion.
Very simple little tunes, but bouncy and fun!
I don't like the original version of this song, it's a bit rough. This acoustic cover however is just lovely!

Jeff Burgess
Jeff's a real talent and this is my favourite of his songs. It's very distinct and has such a carefree tone, which is what escaping into Equestria is all about.
A super nostalgic song, it might even be one of the first MLP songs I've heard. It's not a favourite of mine but it's very sad and emotional, always gets the feelings outta me.
Speaking of a sad song, this one... It means a lot to me. It's a song about my dream of Fluttershy. She waved me a goodbye, but said that we'd meet again - perhaps in some different reality. It's the other song that's managed to make me cry.
More cool nostalgic tunes!
DecodingTheCodes and Silver Note
Rainbow and Scoots are probably my favourite pairing, and this is my most treasured song about them. Not much to say, just a great tune with great lyrics.
Some darn good tunes in this album, though I mostly prefer older versions of the songs that have been remade. Generosity however is best enjoyed here by far, and gosh darn is it a sexy song. It just doesn't get old! Something that bugs me - Put some darn ponies in your album art! You must never forget or be ashamed of the things that inspired you and helped you grow.
Alright, that's all for now. Make sure to check out the artists if you liked their work, in the cases where they haven't sadly gone ahead and deleted their profiles. Why is it so common for MLP artists to be plagued by a sense of mediocrity? It's hard to say, but make sure to always let them know how much their art means to you. In turn, it'll mean the world to them.
If you loved these songs and want more, check out my growing playlist for cool obscure songs. Also make sure to regularly peek at the Winter Rose channel, which archives old forgotten pony music.